Today at tech we are transferring our designs onto our piece of wood. I have finished that step and are now up to colouring my finish design. After colouring my design the next step is to carve the piece of wood and use wet paint to finish our design. Next week I will be finish colouring my piece of art and will be up to painting it which I am really excited about.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Thursday, 18 October 2018
New Zealand ShakeOut
Today we were learning about the Shake out. If there is ever a Earthquake you should drop and crawl to a table or a near surface that you can and put your hands and arms around your neck and wait until the shaking has stopped.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Presentating My Overall Review - Diary Of A Wimpy Kid:The last straw
Today for reading we got into our Read groups and shared our Chapter Book Presentations that we've been working on for the past few weeks. I really enjoyed all my groups presentation but I personally enjoyed Jeremiah's because his own cover of the book looked Interesting. His book was based on War and his cover of the book included a lot of dark colours. I also enjoyed Mataio's presentation because he had two important themes which were being together and having friendship. The book my group read were Billionaire Boy (Ofa), Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Mataio), A Winter Day in 1939 (Jeremiah), Alfie Bloom (Freeman), Josefa and the Vu (Nyjah), and Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Last Straw (Me).
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid,
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Today at HIIT we did our last worm up before we did our last work out we picked our own exercisers LS2 group A picked Push ups, Sit ups, Tap Steps and Star jumps. the one I found hard was the push ups because my arms were sore from the other day. We were apart of AUT research. We have been doing HIIT for twice a week for 15 weeks we got puffed harder because we were more fit from the other sessions. It was nice to see every body committed to the HIIT training. thank you Tiava and Miss Anderson for keeping us motivated and thank you Tiava,Mataio and Lyric for being leading us every HIIT session.
AUT research,
Last week,
Push ups,
Sit ups,
Star jumps,
Tap Steps
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Maths Problem
Today our maths session was about exponents. Exponents is a shortened version of writing a whole equation. For example, 15 x 15 = but to simplify it you can write 15 with a little 2 in the top right corner. I found this activity kind of hard at the start but then it started to get easier and easier. For this activity we put a DLO together to explain how we answered three of the exponent questions.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Illustration of Sentence - Colon
This writing session was about how to use colons. For this activity I have chosen the sentence, 'You can come pick me up now: I am feeling much better.' It also gives reasons for the placement of the colon in the sentence. I think my illustration clearly explains the meaning behind the sentence I have chosen.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
How to tell analogue time
Analogue Time
Do you know how to tell Analogue time? I’m going to teach you all about how to read analogue time, first things you need to learn your time, by doing that you would have to learn every day so it will be easier.
The short hand represents the hour. When this hand is pointing at a number that means that digit is the hour. The short hand is the slowest of them all. It moves every 60 minutes which means it has been an hour.
If the long hand is pointing at the 12 and the short hand is pointing at the five it would be 5:00 or 17:00. If the long hand is pointing at the nine and the short hand is pointing nearly at the one, the time is quarter to one.
It is important to learn analogue time formally and may be helpful later in life. Now you know how analogue time works.
Maths Problem
This is a maths problem that I had to do the questions it was really easy to do but we had to show how we got the answers to the problem witch was harder than getting the answers. I worked with Zane.
Maths Problem,
Panmure bridge school,
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Today at HIIT we got to pick what moves we did we all picked Push ups and star jumps. We did 4 rounds over and over. Thank you to Mataio,Tiava , Zane, Lyric and Miss Anderson for hosting us and keeping us motivated during the HIIT session
Friday, 3 August 2018
Cook island language week
This week we celebrated cook island week. We created a DLO all about cook islands. Did you know
The distance between NZ to Rarotonga is 3,232km from NZ to Rarotonga and the flight is 3 hours and 45 minutes, 3 hours and 50 minutes or 4 hours. We worked in our light house
group( Aunaing, Fui, Marieta, Julian)
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Where the children sleep
This week we have been separated into READ groups. In my group was Jeremiah, Freeman, Nyjah, Mataio and Ofa. Our task was to find out why sleep is so important for humans. One of the questions we were aiming as a group was Do all humans have the same chance of having a healthy sleeping? First we we focused only on our group and asked if we have the same chance of sleeping. We all said yes, but that hadn't mean that everyone has the same chance of sleeping because we explored other kids around the world you don't have a healthy sleep like us. A kid in Brazil sleeps on couches outside and a kid from Cambodia sleep on tyres and picks rubbish early in the morning. By learning why sleep is so important for us we also came through a work called inferring. Inferring means when you read between the lines and find hints in the text to answer a questions or guessing that something is true. Sleeping is important for your mental health because it restores our bodies and helps our brains to make strong memories and process about any information. People who don't have enough sleep or have sleeping problem can get to trouble as it can lead to disease such as heart & kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Today at HIIT we got to pick what moves we did we all picked Tap steps High knee sprint and Star jumps. We did 3 rounds over and over. Thank you to Mataio,Tiava and Miss Anderson for hosting us and keeping us motivated during the HIIT session
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Today I have been learning about M&M's. I worked collaboratively with Fui, Julian, Aung Naing and Marieta to find out some facts about M&M's. I found out that a man called Forrest Mars created M&M's by seeing soliders eating a sugar coting shell with chocolate inside. From now on today M&M's are a known to be favourites. I also learnt that peanut M&M's were invented in 1954.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Today in HIIT we were doing pull ups push ups and squats. I really enjoyed doing the pull ups with the stick we had to keep our body straight and then do as much pull ups as we could in till the buzzer when off then well either swap with our partners and encourage them or well swap with other group and carry on going around that same place 3 time. Thanks to Mr Ogilive for setting it up and encouraging all of us to do harder and push our self's.
Friday, 15 June 2018
Kiwi Can

This term our topic for Kiwi Can is Integrity and our theme is Accountability. Integrity means to be honest for doing something when no one is looking or owning up to you mistakes. Accountability means to be responsible for the actions you do.Our energiser was to get as many cards as possible before the other team takes it. Our activity was to make two truths about what you actually did and one lie that you didn't do. It was a hard game to play because most of the questions looked like they were the truth. Before we finished Kiwi Can we went straight into the general knowledge questions. Kiwi Can learns more and more new things that Panmure Bridge school shows and what they have learnt to achieve this goal. It was great to attend at Kiwi Can. Thank you Miss Lilly and Mr Matt.
Kiwi can,
Miss Lilly,
Mr Matt
Tech Reflection
Today at Tech we were doing Putter casting with Mr.Grundy. Some of us were finishing off our work book and some of us were sanding I am still working on my work book I am almost done all I have to do is add 3 more pictures to my work book then I get to draw one of my designs I picked.
Putter casting,
Friday, 8 June 2018
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi can we were learning to work as a team. Our topic this term was is integrity. Integrity means to show kindness when no one else is looking and doing the right thing. In kiwi can we talked about how we can show how we can respect others in our own ways. To show integrity we played a game called captain ball. The aim of the game was that their were 4 teams and we needed to choose 1 Person from each team to be the person to act and we had to guess who they were.
Today for Tech we have been learning about pewter casting. The first thing that we had needed to do was read the rules for the pewter casting tech room. We were first asked questions if we knew what pewter casting was and what it is. Our task was to find out what we wanted to create and how we will be using it or even who we were making it for. So Mr Grundy had sent us a worksheet showing who we will be creating our design for. The Designs I am making for are my mum, dad, cousin and myself. We chose 4 of each items that we wanted to create into our DLO. But the thing is the images we had chosen had to be silhouette so it would be easier to create. The thing is our images couldn't be thick or else it would bend or snap. I had enjoyed doing this rotation because I would really want to make something special for my family.
Monday, 21 May 2018
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Age Problem
Today me and Jericho have been working on a DLO that explains how to solve this question. Our question was : Malcolm was 3 times the age of Peter but was 4 years younger than Jack. Jack was 10 years older than craig, who was 4 times the age of Richard, Richard is 15. How old is everyone else? These were the answers we came up with.
problem solving,
Mathematical Me
My partner and I thought that our height would not be the same as our arm span. So it was false but this turned out to be true, we were really shocked by the outcome. The one best thing my partner about this activity was working together.
Human body,
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Poetry Juxtaposition
This week's task for poetry was to first read a poem and then answer some questions and create some word clines, for the word clines we first needed to choose a word and then find all of the necessary synonyms for it. After that the task was to draw a line on some paper and then write down the synonyms that we'd written down onto the line in order from top to bottom depending on how important we found that one synonym.
In the summer I’m aroused to a snug and friendly breeze, all the pollen in the air always makes me sneeze.
After clambering into my uniform and leaving for school,
I wait for friends by a wall of hedges, relishing the blue and inviting sun.
In the winter I sullenly rise from my bed, chilled to the bone from the despairful air. After painfully getting into my uniform and slowly leaving the door, I sprint to school just to keep myself warm.
Monday, 14 May 2018
Skeletal System Game
For today we played a game about skeletal systems we had to put the skeleton together. The game counts how much attempts you got for trying to put the skeleton together I got 31 attempts you have to try get 26 attempts because there is 26 skeleton parts that you have to put together. I thought this game was awesome because I also learnt most of the skeleton parts and now I know were most of the skeleton parts go.
Body System,
Skeletal System
Friday, 11 May 2018
Lung Capacity in LS2
To compare the lung capacity of students in LS2 we used one breath to blow up a balloon, then we measured the circumference of the balloon in cm. Then we could graph the results to compare them.
2 facts , Julian had the most breath, Alex, Ms K and Me had the same breath. Link to Spreadsheet
Lung Capacity
Friday, 4 May 2018
Today I have created a template on Story Board That about Hineheauone and the myths and legends, with my partner John. It was interesting to be researching about the gods because the information that I gathered made me want to learn more about Hineheauone.
Story Board That
The Unfinished Drink
Today we read a poetry about La Tour Mollet d' Auvergne (Ted) this is about a person who did not finish his drink while they were about to go to war. So he gave the Bartender his drink at said "hold it don't break it or sell it ill drink it when I get back". But he never returned.
The Unfinished Drink
Roller Skating
As part of Kiwi sports this term Mr Ogilvie has kindly offered skating lessons in the hall for students year 4-8. Today was the year 7&8 and everyone was really good but there were some crushers. First Puna our skating coach taught us how to get up on the roller skating shoes which was pretty easy for some people. We then had a warm up game by practising how to skate. I found it easy but I think I need to work on my Turing. Soon we had a race and it was a bit hard because people were screaming all over the place.I was Unlucky I came 3rd out of 4 for my group. At the end of the lesson we were lucky to get VIP Skate Pass which meant we could go to one free skating class. Thank you to Mr Ogilvie and Mrs Anderson for supervising us and Puna for teaching us how to skate.
Roller Skating
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Memorial, Unknown Soldiers
For reading I have chosen one of my slide that I created in reading its about the unknown soldiers. Our theme for this term is about 'ANZAC Day' "least we forget." As I was researching I found these two tombs of two soldiers found dead without there remains being identify-ed.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Similes and Metaphors
For this term my reading group and I created a DLO about a story called King and Country. We worked collaboratively to create a DLO comparing the differences between Similes and Metaphors. The thing our group did great on was giving their ideas.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
How to measure angles
During Maths this week we were learning about how to use the protractor, we first needed to solve all of the questions on the paper. After that we then needed to make a DLO that shows how we solved the problems on the sheet using a protractor.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
The Tunnel

Have you ever been in a magical forest? I have been going on an adventure in this magical forest. As I’m running over bushes and dead twigs I can smell the beautiful strong smell of blooming roses. As I keep running I get closer and closer to a really amazing wooden tunnel. I kept running along this gravel path that had lots of humungus footprints in the gravel. When I got to the end of the path there were bushes covering the entrance of the wooden tunnel. I pushed the bushes aside, but there were thorns on the bush. Moving the bush I cut my hand by the prickly sharp thorns.
The Tunnel,
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
The Best library ever
The Best library ever
The Best library ever
Shilah had been wanting to go to this library for years. It was the best library ever because there were books flying it was really quiet there was comfy chairs nice people and lots of history books also there were really good reviews
Shilah loved her drama books so she ran to the drama section grabbed a drama book called Romeo and Juliet ran to a comfy couch had a deep breath before she read Romeo and Juliet. After reading Romeo and Juliet she ran back to the drama section and put back Romeo and Juliet and grabbed Othello.
Today in writing we have been learning about 5 - 7 - 10
writing. Our goal was to write a character description about
a young girl reading a lot of books. The 5 stands for
5 minutes of writing, 7 minutes of sharing your learning
to others and 10 minutes of editing our description.
writing. Our goal was to write a character description about
a young girl reading a lot of books. The 5 stands for
5 minutes of writing, 7 minutes of sharing your learning
to others and 10 minutes of editing our description.
5 - 7 - 10,
Monday, 19 March 2018
Past Tense
Present Tense
Future Tense
will do
will forget
Going to break
will try
will hope
will ring
will speak
will write
going to fly
going to drive
will go
going to read
going to eat
going to cry
Today we are learning about tense. For our task we were filling in the missing spots and. We were learning about it because so we could add some past, present and future words to our explanations. |
Friday, 2 March 2018
Affonso - Design Brief Tech w2
What can the design be used for? - Charging,Using it,Videos and for alarms.
What can you do with the design? - Holder for mobile phone.
What will the design look like?
What am I going to design? - A mobile phone stand.
What will the design be made from?
What is the process of making the design? - 3d printer.
Where am I going to put the design? - on my bed and on a table.
Where can the design be used? - any were.
Where are we going to make the design? At Tech.
Why do we need this design? Watching long videos so you wrist doesn't get sore.
Why are we making the design? - to watch videos.
Who will use the design? - siblings and family.
Who can I give this design to? - Family and friends.
Who will like this design so much that they want one? - Anyone.
Who will design the product? - My self.
Who will make the design? - My Self
When will we take the design home? - in about 10 weeks.
When will we finish the design? - 8 Weeks
When will the design be used? - when i feel like it
When will the design break? - Unknown
How durable are the materials? - Unknown
How long will the design last? - Unknown
How will we make the design? - 8 weeks
design brief,
Affonso - I am an Agent of change
This week Ls2 made a DLO how they could be an agent of change. We all can be an agent of change of we be prepaid for all equations like emergence and being on time we can be helping others. hope fully this makes you become an agent of change
Agent of Change,
Affonso - Building Blocks Maths Problem
For maths, San kyaw,John and I created a DLO showing our working out of the problem 'Building blocks. My partner and I have worked hard on this DLO and it was not easy working the problem out. This week we are learning how to find the area of a 2D shape, and the volume of the 3D shape.
Affonso - Sketch Models
Today at tech we used Plasticine to make our phone stands. For my sketch model I built homer Simpsons for my sketch design. The one hard thing making the design was having to make the shapes because the Plasticine was really hard. For my support holder so the phone would not fall I had homers mouth for the phone to rest in.
Friday, 23 February 2018
Affonso - Electives Math Work
Affonso - Panmure Bridge Whakatauki
Today Affonso and I found out about our school Whakatauki. Our school Whakatauki is Manaaki Whenua Manaaki Tangata and Haere Whakamua which means Care for the land, Care for the people , Go forward. We learnt about this because we have to remind ourself and show our school values and Whakatauki with pride.
Affonso - Olympic And PBS Key Values
L.I - To collect information in order to make a comparison.
As part of Inquiry today we made a Digital Learning Object comparing it to our (P.B.S) values and the Olympic values. First we went on a site and read a text about Olympics and their values. We collected all the information. I learnt that the Olympic values are Excellence, Friendship and Respect. The similarities we found about the Olympic and P.B.S values are that they both have Excellence and Respect in their key values. We did some research about the Olympic Creed and Motto and we found good information.
Affonso - Softball
Yesterday for kiwi sport we were focusing on Softball. We were learning how to throw and pass the ball. I also learnt the crocodile and butterfly shape to catch. The catching easy at times but it was still hard.
Affonso - Kiwi can
Yesterday at Kiwi Can LS2 group B played two games and learnt more about fairness and fair play, to do the first game we had to get into a circle and in that circle there were three hoops we were then numbered from 1-4 and whenever a number was said, the people who were that number then had to speed walk around the circle until we reached our original spot, when we reached there the objective was to quickly run into a hoop. That continued on until the Mr Matt the Kiwi can instructor started to take the hoops away, I managed to win. The second game that we played was ball tag, three people from one team were the taggers and a whole other team were the runners. The rules for the taggers were; You're not allowed to move while holding the ball, you can't throw the ball at someone and you can't one hand tag someone with the ball (two hands only).
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Affonso - How is Chinese New Year celebrated?
Chinese New Year is a celebration that is open to everyone. There is a street celebration when a dragon dances and Chinese fireworks light the sky. Elders hand out red cards to children and unmarried couples to wish them good luck. The Chinese New Year tradition is to wear red clothing with gold on it. People bring food to other families houses for supper. There is a zodiac cycle which has 12 animals and repeats every 12 years.
When Chinese New Year is celebrated everyone gathers together on the street or in their own home ready for Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is celebrated all around the world. It is a special celebration for the Chinese people.
The Chinese people decorate their home or the town for Chinese New Year. There are 12 selected animals. Every animal on the cycle has got a different meaning and year. This year is the year of the dog.
The Chinese New Year lasts for at least fifteen days, until the new moon ends. The full moon is fifteen days later, this year it will end on the 2nd of March. The Chinese people use fireworks, wear red and make noise to continue the the tradition of keeping the monster away.
The Chinese New Year is a very special celebration when everyone takes part in the festival. Chinese New Year is a very important traditional holiday for the Chinese people as they come together to wish each other Kung Hei Fat Choi!
For this week's learning we did a explanation about Chinese New Year. We learnt about the tradition and how people around the world celebrate it. During the tradition most people wear red. We now know more about the Chinese New Year because of our researching and learning.
Buddy Writing,
Chinese New Year,
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